Sunday, April 20, 2014

Finland, France, French Guiana

Happy Easter!
Here are the countries I am praying for this week:

Finland has a large economy, but unemployment for minorities continues.  They have freedom of religion and a few national churches; over 80% are considered Christian, but 15% are non-religious.  Needy sections of society:  Immigrant minority groups, indigenous minorities, men's ministry.

It is one of the world's strongest economies, but there is sometimes violence in the underclass.  It is traditionally and predominantly Catholic, with ratings of 60% Christian, over 25% non-religious, and 10% Muslim.

It is a very young nation with 1/3 of the population being 15 and younger.  While there are many exports (gold, shrimp, forest products), it is still heavily subsidized by France; unemployment is around 20%.  There is freedom of religion, but much of the population has a secular outlook; still, 90% consider themselves Christian, with merely 3% non-religious.  However, Muslim is the fastest-growing religion, followed by non-religious views and Sikhism.

All maps/photos taken from

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